Growing the Lei Flower - Plumeria!


Plumeria are a shrub like plant that are famous for their plentiful, often two-toned flowers.
They are native to Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

Related to the Oleander, the Plumeria can have various shaped leaves, form and growth habits depending on its species. They also produce a sap that can be irritating to the eyes and skin.


Growing Plumeria:

Plant Care:

  • Plumeria love lots of bright light and sun
  • Moist soil - They don't like to dry out completely
  • Can be grown outside, but should be brought in for the winter if you live in a cooler area
  • Fertilize twice a month during the summer using a mix that is high in phosphorous 


  • Plumeria can easily be propagated by taking a cutting from a leafless stem tip in the spring, and planting the base into high-quality soil. 
  • Should be slightly dried out near the base before planting
  • Prone to various types of rot if kept too moist.

Growing from Seed:

Step by step:

  1. Acquire the Plumeria seeds - Supporting local business is always the way to go, but these seeds can often be hard to find, depending on where you live. Another option is to order them online through specialty stores, or even Ebay.
  2. Prepare your desired number of small pots with a soil mixture that will allow for ample drainage - Ensure there are drainage holes
  3. Insert the seeds in to the soil in the centre of the pot -- Plumeria seeds have two parts, a thick "body" and a thin "wing". You want to plant the seeds so that the "body" is fully submerged in the soil, but the wing remains above. Lightly pack the soil around the seed to ensure stability.
  4. Water generously to set the soil
  5. Place in an area that receives a lot of warm light


  • Use a general all-purpose potting soil that provides good drainage -- Perlite can also be mixed in to help aeration and root development
  • Maintain moist soil, but be careful not to overwater -- The seedlings are prone to root rot, so should never be allowed to sit in water.
  • Create a "mini greenhouse" by starting the seedlings in a lidded enclosure.

Plumeria Facts:
  • Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night
  • When growing Plumeria from seed, they are often not true to the parent colour - Reds and Pink tend to vary the most.
  • The flowers of the plumeria are often used to make floral garlands, this is why they are often referred to as the "Lei Flower"
  • In their natural habitat, some plumeria can grow up to 30ft



Planting Plumeria Seeds

Transplanting Plumeria Seedlings

For more Plumeria growing videos, visit PlantzNThings.



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