
Showing posts from May, 2015

Growing the Lei Flower - Plumeria!

Plumeria Plumeria are a shrub like plant that are famous for their plentiful, often two-toned flowers. They are native to Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Related to the Oleander, the Plumeria can have various shaped leaves, form and growth habits depending on its species. They also produce a sap that can be irritating to the eyes and skin. Oleander Growing Plumeria: Plant Care: Plumeria love lots of bright light and sun Moist soil - They don't like to dry out completely Can be grown outside, but should be brought in for the winter if you live in a cooler area Fertilize twice a month during the summer using a mix that is high in phosphorous  Propagation: Plumeria can easily be propagated by taking a cutting from a leafless stem tip in the spring, and planting the base into high-quality soil.  Should be slightly dried out near the base before planting Prone to various types of rot if kept too moist. Growing from Seed...

Lilacs - Outdoors, Containers, or Indoors?

Lilacs (Syringa spp.) are one of the most popular outdoor plants here in Southern Alberta.Their beautiful purple flowers contrast nicely with their abundant leaves, and most people will agree that their easily recognizable scent is just amazing. They can also grow very large, flower often, and are a nice addition to any outdoor space. This makes them a favourite among many. Lilacs grow well in zones 4 through 9, depending on their species -- There are approximately twelve recognized species of Lilac to date. Here in Calgary we are in zone 4a, and throughout most of the spring, you can’t walk down a neighbourhood street without seeing a lilac bush in someone’s yard. Although they are easy to grow, and happy outside, is it possible to grow them in a container? What about indoors? Containers: Generally, the types of lilacs we most commonly see  are only happy when they can spread their roots far out around them - much like most trees. This makes it difficult to ke...

Video Series: Growing a Coconut Palm

Interesting video series on how to start up a coconut palm from a store-bought coconut. YouTuber:  The Kiwi Grower Something to try one day :) Thanks for reading, Amanda